Brief CV

Dr. Ivan Bozhikin holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and a Ph.D. in Political Economy (Microeconomics and Macroeconomics) from the University of National and World Economy (UNWE). He was a Research Fellow at the VUB for two years. Dr. Bozhikin is a reviewer for the Journal of Cleaner Production (IF 11.072) (from May 2016 up to present) and Economic Alternatives Journal (December 2016 up to present). He is also an editorial board member of the Journal of Cleaner Production since 2018. Dr. Bozhikin was a reviewer for the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (The USA) and 2nd International Conference on New Business Models (Austria). Dr. Bozhikin holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, a Bachelor’s degree in Macroeconomics, a Master’s degree in Business and Finance (Nottingham Trent University, The United Kingdom), and a Master’s degree in Macroeconomics. He has several publications in Bulgarian and international journals. His paper has been published in the Waste Management Journal (IF. 5.448). This paper was also included in a list of articles published in 2017 from Waste Management that have had the most social media attention with their PlumX Metrics. The article entitled “The role of government and key non-state actors in social entrepreneurship: A systematic literature review” has been published in the Journal of Cleaner Production with Impact factor 11.072. Dr. Bozhikin has also participated in several international conferences and seminars, e.g., the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 26th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, and Global Cleaner Production & Sustainable Consumption Conference. Union of Economist in Bulgaria awarded him with second prize at the 10th jubilee competition “Young Economist 2014” (in Category “Ph.D. students and young scientists”).

Thank you for trusting us with your research in 2024

We are delighted that you chose to publish open access with us. Your paper is now permanently and freely available for anyone to read, empowering others to build upon your research, advance knowledge in your field, and extend the global reach of your work.

Once more, our sincere thanks from everyone at the journal. We look forward to working with you again in 2025

Laura Hassink
Managing Director Elsevier Journals

Thank you for reviewing in 2024

Dear Ivan Bozhikin,
Reviewers and peer review play a crucial role in academic publishing, and we sincerely thank you for your time and expertise. Your ongoing support is invaluable to the advancement of science.
Letter from the Elsevier Journals Leadership Team Peer review is an essential foundation for advancing the quality of global research, and its impact cannot be overstated. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your dedication and expertise. Your efforts as a peer reviewer ensure that the research published in Elsevier journals is of the highest standard, and your commitment to advancing your field is truly inspiring.

Looking ahead to 2025, we remain deeply committed to refining the peer review experience. We aim to provide even greater support for reviewers and ensure that invitations align seamlessly with your areas of expertise, making the process both efficient and rewarding.

Thank you for playing such an integral role in shaping the future of research. Your valuable contributions continue to drive progress and innovation. 

Laura Hassink
Managing Director Elsevier Journals
Once again, we extend our sincere gratitude for your continued support, and we wish you all the best in 2025.

Certificate of Reviewing

Advisory Board Member Certificate

Dr. Ivan Bozhikin was awarded the Advisory Board Member Certificate. This certificate is to acknowledge Ivan Bozhikin as a highly valued Advisory Board Member of the Journal of Cleaner Production for the period October 2018-January 2025.

Guest Editor Certificate

Dr. Ivan Bozhikin was awarded the Guest Editor Certificate. This certificate acknowledges Ivan Bozhikin as a highly valued Guest Editor of the Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, a companion journal to the Journal of Cleaner Production, between August 2022 and August 2023.

Subject : Certificate of Mission

Ivan BOZHIKIN took part in the evaluation process of AAPG 2023 (The Generic Call for Proposals 2023) as a Scientific Expert for the scientific panel Dynamics of socio-ecosystems and of their components. He received a certificate from the Director of Scientific Operations at the National Research Agency, in France.

Advisory Board Member Certificate

Dr. Ivan Bozhikin was awarded the Advisory Board Member Certificate. This certificate is to acknowledge Ivan Bozhikin as a highly valued Advisory Board Member of the Journal of Cleaner Production for the period October 2018-February 2023. The impact factor of the Journal of Cleaner Production has constantly increased in recent years, reaching 11,072 in 2021.

Editorial Board Member Certificate

Dr. Ivan Bozhikin was awarded the Editorial Board Member Certificate. This certificate is to acknowledge Ivan Bozhikin as a highly valued Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Cleaner Production –  a leading Journal in sustainable development globally. The impact factor of the Journal of Cleaner Production has constantly increased in recent years, reaching 11,072 in 2021. Dr. Bozhikin has been reviewing for the Journal since 2016. He has been part of the Editorial Board of the Journal since 2018. Dr. Bozhikin was also invited as a guest editor of a special issue entitled „Social entrepreneurship, creative territories, and responsible consumption“ at Cleaner and Responsible Consumption – the companion journal of the Cleaner brand.

The 8th Venus International Science and Technology Awards – VISTA 2022 Winners

Based on the Expert Committee report and Apex Committee recommendations, Dr. Ivan Atanasov Bozhikin has been selected as Award Winner in Humanities and Social Sciences Discipline, Category: Young Researcher in Economics. The Award was received at the 8th Annual Science and Technology Meet – ASTM 2022, held on 2 July 2022 at Green Park Chennai, India. The director of Venus International Foundation congratulated Dr. Ivan Atanasov Bozhikin on the Award:

“My hearty congratulations to you on this well-deserved recognition. I hope you will continue to strive hard to prove your Quality, Reliability, and Competence in the coming years.”

Икономическа политика- учебно помагало 2022

Тематичният обхват на учебното помагало е съобразен и в максимална степен кореспондира на тематиката, заложена в лекционния курс по „Икономическа политика“ в УНСС и ползваните в него учебни материали. Учебното помагало е фокусирано към изучаване на теоретичните основи на икономическите политики, на методологическите подходи и методите за тяхното обосноваване и разработване, т.е. подчинено е на съдържанието на учебния процес по академична дисциплина „Икономическа политика“, включена в учебните планове на специалностите „Макроикономика“, „Политическа икономия“, „Икономика“, „Икономика на човешките ресурси“, „Икономическа социология и психология“, „Застраховане и социално дело“.

Elsevier Reviewer Experience Team is grateful for my peer review in 2021

Thank you for being a reviewer

„Dear Ivan Bozhikin,
Peer review – and reviewers – are at the heart of the academic publishing process. The exceptional challenges we have all faced during the last two years have reconfirmed the critical importance of peer review. We would like to express our deepest gratitude for volunteering your time and expertise as a reviewer.“

Letter from the Elsevier Journals Leadership Team

Peer review is critical to improving the quality of published global research. Yet it is often an unseen and thankless task. The global COVID pandemic has made it increasingly more difficult to juggle professional and personal commitments. Providing a voluntary service, such as peer review, under challenging circumstances is truly a dedication to your community and the advancement of research in your field.

It is an honour for me to acknowledge your commitment by saying ‘thank you’. On behalf of all our journal editorial teams, we are indebted to the time you voluntarily dedicate to supporting our journal(s). Over the course of 2022, we will continue to improve the peer review process for you and your fellow reviewers by making sure we offer optimal support through our systems and staff, and further improve the relevancy of the papers you are asked to review.

Thank you for volunteering your valuable time to peer review.

Laura Hassink
Managing Director Elsevier Journals
„We thank you for your ongoing support and wish you and your loved ones all the best for the year ahead.
With best wishes,
Elsevier Reviewer Experience Team“

We’re grateful for your peer review in 2020

Elsevier Reviewer Experience Team is grateful for my peer review in 2020

„Thank you for being a reviewer!

Dear Ivan Bozhikin,

The exceptional developments of last year reconfirmed the critical importance of peer review and we want to express our gratitude for your work as a referee.
Without your tireless efforts, it would have been impossible to publish so many high-quality papers that have advanced human knowledge in this uncertain time. And without your dedication, we would never have been able to share those findings as rapidly.
Once again, thank you for your ongoing support. Let us close by sending our very best regards to you and your family and wishing you well for the year ahead.
With best wishes,
Elsevier Reviewer Experience Team“