
Valcheva, K. S. (2024). From Justice to Prosperity: The Rule of Law’s Impact on Economic Performance in the European Union. Economic Alternatives, 4, pp. 895–913. https://doi.org/10.37075/EA.2024.4.11

Valcheva, K. (2024). Leveraging digital platforms for global public sector marketing. In „Тhe membership of Bulgaria in the European Union: Sixteen years later“, Conference proceedings of the XXII International Scientific Conference of the International Economic Relations & Business Department of UNWE, Vol.2, pp. 456-465, ISSN 2815-2727

Valcheva, K. (2024). Public procurement in Bulgaria: do we get value for the taxpayer’s money? Journal of Management Sciences and Applications, 3(1), pp. 42–52. https://doi.org/10.37075/JOMSA.2024.1.04

Valcheva, K. (2024). Circular approaches: the future of public procurement. Journal of Management Sciences and Applications, 3(1), pp. 22–33. https://doi.org/10.37075/JOMSA.2024.1.02

Valcheva, K. (2024). Creating global impact: the transformative potential of higher education in nation branding. Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, 32 (1), 91-104. https://doi.org/10.53656/str2024-1-7-cre

Велева, Р., Вълчева, К. & Шотарова, З. (2024). Мениджмънт на публичните разходи. Издателски комплекс – УНСС, ISBN 978-619-232-802-3

Вълчева, К. (2023). Кризисен мениджмънт в здравеопазването. В Траектории на социалното развитие, колективна монография (с. 215-232). София: Издателски комплекс – УНСС, ISBN 978-619-232-778-1

Valcheva, K. (2023). Unleashing the Power of Innovation: The Transformative Role of SMEs. Journal of Management Sciences and Applications, 2 (1), pp. 162-168, https://doi.org/10.37075/JOMSA.2023.1.1

Valcheva, K., Velela, R., Valkov, A. (2022). Development of the Institute of Concessions in Bulgaria (1883–2018), Proceedings of CEHR: Development Dilemmas Conference, Vol. VII, pp. 103-116, ISSN 2603-3526

Valchanov, I., Angova, S., Nikolova, M., Valkov, I., Zlatkova, V., Valcheva, K., Marinkova, B. (2022). Bulgarian Public Administration’s Social Media Communications Strategies During COVID-19 Crisis. In: Jay Kalra and Tareq Ahram (eds) Global Issues: Disease Control and Pandemic Prevention. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 24. AHFE International, USA. http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1001359

Valcheva, K. (2022). How trust in government influences vaccination attitudes? Публични политики.BG, 13 (2), pp. 178-190, ISSN 1314-2313

Вълчева, К. (2022). Европа срещу фалшивите лекарства. София: Издателски комплекс-УНСС, ISBN 978-619-232-612-8

Valcheva, K. (2021). The Impact of the European Directive Against Falsified Medicines on the Pharmaceutical Wholesalers in Bulgaria, J of IMAB, 27(1), pp.3598-3603. 10.5272/jimab.2021271.3598

Valcheva, K., Valkov, A. (2020). European and national incentives in support of public-private partnerships in higher education, Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, 28 (3), 237-248, ISSN 1314–8575

Valcheva, K. (2020). Public policies in support of broader access and attainment of higher education“, Публични политики.BG, 11 (1), 20-30, ISSN 1314-2313

Valcheva, K. (2020). Prosecution and public awareness: key lines of defence against falsified medicinal products during pandemic”, Knowledge International Journal, 40 (1), 279-284, ISSN 2545-4439

Valcheva, K. (2020). Health prevention and response policies against infectious diseases: is the world ready for a novel coronavirus pandemic?“ 21st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS XXI) – Amsterdam, EUSER – European Center for Science Education and Research, pp. 138-150, ISBN 978-1-64871-449-8

Valcheva, K. (2020). Good Governance Principles Constituting the E-procurement Systems“, 23rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies: „Resilience for Survival“ (ICMS XXIII) – Cambridge, EUSER – European Center for Science Education and Research, pp. 327- 336, ISBN 9781649991584

Valcheva, K. (2020). EU policy against falsified medicines: options for further development. Proceedings of CBU in Economics and Business, Vol. 1, pp. 147-153, https://doi.org/10.12955/peb.v1.32

Вълчева, К. (2020). Маркетингови похвати за защита на оригинални лекарствените средства срещу генерични конкуренти: анализ на примери от практиката„, Докторантски четения 6 „Дигитално образование за дигитална администрация: администрация и управление с хоризонт 2030“, Издателски комплекс – УНСС, стр. 137-150, ISBN 978-619-232-390-5