„Граждански избор в условия на обществена трансформация“ – публична защита на дисертация на Калоян Янков

Публична защита на дисертационното изследване „Граждански избор в условия на обществена трансформация“, 22 ноември 2022 г., УНСС.

Автор: Калоян Янков.

Научен ръководител: доц. д-р Катя Михайлова, катедра „Икономическа социология“, УНСС.

Научно жури в състав:

проф. д.с.н. Добринка Пейчева, ЮЗУ – рецензия;

доц. д-р Донка Никова, УНСС – рецензия;

проф. д-р Татяна Коцева, БСУ – становище;

доц. д-р Светлозар Кирилов, СУ – становища;

доц. д-р Катя Михайлова, УНСС – становище.

Резултат: 5 „ЗА“ присъждане на ОНС „Доктор“ по социология на Калоян Янков.

„Students’ Social Capital, Social Space and Civic Life in Sofia“ – Public Defense of Lucien Peters’ Doctoral Dissertation

Public defense of Lucien Peters’ doctoral dssertation – Department of Economic Sociology, UNWE, 23.06.2022.

The topic of dissertation is „Students’ Social Capital, Social Space and Civic Life in Sofia“.

The author is Mr. Lucien Peters, who was aworded the educational and scientific degree of „Doctor“ in Sociology.

The academic advisor of the doctoral research is Assoc. Prof. Katia Mihailova, PhD, Department of Economic Sociology, UNWE.

The dissertation received five positive reviews from the members of the scientific jury:

Assoc. Prof. Andrey Nonchev, PhD, head of the jury and the Department of Economic Sociology at UNWE;

Prof. Dr. Sc. Dobrinka Peycheva, South-West University „Neofit Rilski“;

Prof. Dr. Sc. Ivanka Mavrodieva, Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridsky“;

Prof. Tatyana Kotseva, Burgas Free University and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;

Assoc. Prof. Alexander Hristov, PhD, University for National and World Economy.

Prof. Deema Kaneff, Birmingham University, said at the defense that the dissertation „has a considerable schoolarly value and makes a significant contribution to the literature on social capital, on urban contemporary Bulgaria and in terms of interdisciplinary social science methodology„.

Congratulations to Dr. Peters! He is my first sucessfully graduated doctoral student. Thank you to the colleagues and friends who helped us to defense that innovative social science research!